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Magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP) is a special type of magnetic resonance imaging test which is designed to examine the bile ducts in particular detail. As with all MR scans it requires patients to lie on a couch within the magnetic field. It is a test used to examine the bile ducts for evidence of strictures, stones or tumours (pancreatic cancer or cholangioarcinoma). It has the advantage over ERCP of being non invasive. However if patients require biliary intervention, such as removal of stones or insertion of stents an ERCP is required.

Dr Simon Smale

works at Manchester University Foundation Trust and York Nuffield Hospital.

He has been a Consultant Gastroenterologist since 2005 and currently has a number of additional voluntary roles on top of his NHS work.


If you wish to be seen as a private patient please contact his private PA, Claire on 

07778 532043 email; or visit my private patient website;


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